Facial fractures

Facial fractures are fractured or broken bones of the face and mouth, caused by some kind of blunt trauma to the face.

Facial fractures

If there’s one type of motorcycle accident that might encourage riders to wear a full-face crash helmet as opposed to an open-face helmet, it's facial fractures.

What causes a facial fracture?

They commonly include fractures of the upper jaw, lower jaw, cheeks, and nose or eye sockets. A closed fracture is one in which the skin is not broken. An open or compound fracture involves laceration of the skin.

What are the symptoms of facial fractures?

Facial fractures can result in considerable pain, swelling and discomfort. In extreme cases facial fractures can result in disfigurement, which can have profound psychosocial implications, including altered body image, reduced quality of life, and poor self-esteem.

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